
Hardware and OS

At the moment open iris only works on Windows platform. There are no versions available for mac or linux. The PC specs required to run open iris depend on the frame rate and camera resolution that you plan to use. For highest performance 500HZ binocular recordings we recommend an i9 processor with a base frequency above 3GHz.



Download and setup

  1. Download latest version from (not the source code):

  2. Unzip the file and locate it in a desired directory

  3. Go to \Plugins folder, right-click on the *.dll files one by one, select properties, check the unblock option, and hit OK (sorry, we need to figure out a better way to do this!).


  4. Double-click on the OpenIris.exe file to open the program.

  5. For tracking both eyes simultaneously, select Spinnaker Dual Camera and Start Tracking. (Make sure the two cameras are connected with the Gray cable for synchronization, otherwise, the program won’t start)


For tracking one eye only or both eyes with one camera, select Spinnaker Single Camera

  1. The program might prompt you to add the serial number of the cameras - please accept and continue

  2. Select “File” and “Configuration” from the top bar opens the configuration page (it is also accessible from the main menu)


First column - General Settings: